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We are happy to announce that XenForo Resource Manager 1.1.0 Beta 1 is now available to all customers with active Resource Manager licenses. This release includes a number of new features including: Custom resource fields Custom resource icons Featured resources Resource prefixes Permissions settable per resource category Watched resource categories Anonymous reviews and much more... XenForo Resource Manager 1.1.0 Beta 1 requires XenForo 1.2.0 or later. Customers with the appropriate license may download XenForo Resource Manager via their customer area. This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do not recommend running it in production. Please remember that this is beta software. It contains known bugs and...
XenForo 1.2.2 is the second maintenance release in the 1.2 series and focuses on bug fixes and stability improvements. We recommend that all customers running a previous version of 1.2 upgrade when possible. If you are currently running XenForo 1.0 or 1.1, we also recommend upgrading to 1.2 when possible, but please be aware that this is a significant upgrade and you'll need to be aware of add-on and style compatibility changes. Some of the bugs fixed in this release include: Fixes and improved compatibility for IE11 (particularly in the editor) Updated to jQuery 1.10.2 for improved IE11 compatibility Nofollow member search links as the results won't be indexed Fix potential situation where forum counters could become incorrect Fix...
XenForo 1.2.1 fixes a number of bugs and issues that were in 1.2.0. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability. However, we have also made a few other improvements: Moderators that have the "bypass user privacy" setting will now see when a user is banned. The username will be struck out in most cases. There is now a rebuild cache tool to update trophies for all users. This will award any unawarded trophies and recalculate the trophy point totals. There is now a rebuild cache tool to upgrade promotions for all users. Normally, promotions would only be run against active users. This tool will run the promotions against all users. This is mostly only relevant when adding or changing...
We are happy to release XenForo 1.2.0 today, the first supported release of XenForo 1.2. This release builds on XenForo 1.1 to add a significant number of new features and bug fixes. We are now confident in recommending that customers upgrade their production websites to XenForo 1.2.0. Please see the upgrade information below. We would like to thank everyone that provided bug reports and feedback throughout the beta and release candidate period. We couldn't have done it without you. :) All licensed customers may now download the new version from the customer area. New Features Amongst the new XenForo 1.2 features are the following: User merging and bulk user management Post edit history and logging Signature permissions Route...
Today, we continue the release candidate stage of 1.2 with release candidate 2. We are becoming increasingly confident with the stability of the 1.2 series and hope to release a supported version of 1.2 soon. As you would expect, this release simply fixes a number of small bugs. What is a Release Candidate? After a number of beta releases, the functionality of the product should be complete and the rate of bugs being reported (should) slow to a trickle, allowing the development team to work through the backlog and reduce the number of bugs to a handful. We have now reached this point in the development of XenForo 1.2.0, so the time is right to produce a release candidate. This means that the software is proposed as stable, and a...
XenForo Resource Manager (XFRM) 1.0.2 is an update to our resource manager add-on to fix a small number of bugs while also adding full support for XenForo 1.2. While previous releases of XFRM work with XenForo 1.2, this update brings support for 1.2's changes including making the resource manager style be responsive. This update remains compatible with XenForo 1.1. Some of the bugs fixed in XFRM 1.0.2 include: Merging an automatically created resource thread creates an inconsistency Resource updates may not be deleted from the search index correctly Reported resource links incorrectly load into an overlay The username for automatic resource updates posts may not be updated correctly For the full list of bug fixes, see the Resolved...
XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) 1.0.2 is a maintenance release for our add-on that replaces XenForo's built in search engine with one powered byelasticsearch to provide greater performance and better search results. XFES 1.0.2 fixes several bugs: Prevent an error where the automatically chosen elasticsearch index name is not valid. Improved support for optimizing index structures in elasticsearch 0.90. Prevent a potential error when finalizing a bulk rebuild. Additionally, it makes a few changes for improved support of XenForo 1.2. Requirements XFES requires that you have elasticsearch 0.16.0 or newer installed. As such, this add-on is only applicable if you have root access to your server (such as with a dedicated server or VPS)...

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