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[XenGenTr] Forum statistics 📊 system V4 full english

addon 2.3 [XenGenTr] Forum statistics 📊 system V4 full english 4.2.3

Update Content
  • Topic Links: The prefixes in the topic lists have been rearranged to include the subject link. Now the prefixes are in the same connection.
  • Targeting Options: In the subject list, a target setting option has been added for the topics. These options are:
    • Go to the topic
    • Go to unread message (if available)
    • Go to the last message
    • In this way, you will be able to determine the destination point of the connection according to your need.
  • LESS Structure: Improvements have been made in the LESS structure.
  • Explanation Texts: Explanatory texts are arranged to be more understandable and explanatory.
4.2.2 Update content;
Overall improvements have been made.
Color control units for the forum head area have been added to the theme properties.
The control issue in the Collapse system has been fixed.

Update content​

  • Re-integrated the collapse system to close/open the statistics area.
  • Added control field to plugin control field so you can give a name to the statistics system.
  • Toggle collapse control for theme properties.
  • Innovations and improvements have been made in the Less structure.

XENGENTR istatistik V4.2.0.png

Update content​

Fixed an issue with the online and offline view icon.

Updated template

Improvements to Less structure.
Stable version configurations.
  1. Fixed an issue where some information was lost when user statistics were turned off
  2. Removed unnecessary less structures.
  3. Improvements were made to templates.

กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see