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ประกาศ vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 13 has been released

  • ผู้เริ่มหัวข้อ ผู้เริ่มหัวข้อ thxf.org 
  • วันที่เริ่มต้น วันที่เริ่มต้น
vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 13 is now available for customers to download and for prospective customers to preview at www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/.
The feedback thread on vBulletin 5 Connect beta 13 for our licensed customers is here.

We are continuing to make significant progress in our beta program. Beta 13 includes fixes to 112 issues. Beta 13 includes a variety of performance fixes, with many additional performance improvements coming shortly. Additionally, beta 13 fixes a wide variety of bugs including ones with Site Builder, the activity stream and the upgrade process.

A large number of the fixes in beta 13 are in response to feedback we have received from many of you who have been testing the previous betas. This input is enormously helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you and please keep this feedback coming! We are already making good progress on our next beta release subsequent to 13, and we'll share this as soon as development and QA are complete.

(Note: As with all beta releases, we aren't able to provide phone or ticket support for beta 13. Customers purchasing a vBulletin 5 Connect license will receive 30 days of free ticket support starting with the gold release of the software.)

  • VBV-3909 Too much time required to run 500a29 step 3
  • VBV-4332 Unable to change users password via admincp
  • VBV-4746 All links to topics go to the topic with the most recent update
  • VBV-4825 Double rendering of pages
  • VBV-4452 Multiple cache reads
  • VBV-3678 Attachments will be gone when upgrading a vB4.2 forum to vB5 a37
  • VBV-4659 Replace Issues with Stored Queries
  • VBV-2855 3.x > 5.x Upgrade : All forum totals are 0/0
  • VBV-2948 Debug mode is always on in the admincp
  • VBV-4302 (Homepage and Forum Activity Streams) Re-opening Latest Activity tab in Activity Stream module always refreshes the tab content
  • VBV-4900 Profile page takes 30 seconds to load
  • VBV-4271 (Homepage and Forum Activity Streams) When making a different tab the default, the content should be loaded with the page, not loaded via ajax after the page is loaded.
  • VBV-4505 Site builder - Error activating SiteBuilder. (Error code 404)
  • VBV-4408 Topics pages doesn't seems to be indexed in google
  • VBV-2200 Widget API lacks of permission check
  • VBV-4673 Javascript files should be bundled/rolled up to minimize multiple HTTP requests that slows down the loading of pages
  • VBV-5070 Pagination in forums causes topics with replies to disappear from the stream
  • VBV-4977 Creating new forums in the Page Manager gives an error when trying to save
  • VBV-2070 "Add New Forum" fails if Parent Forum = No one
  • VBV-4809 Can't save edits to channels in admincp
  • VBV-4971 FR: hard delete of thread returns permission denied
  • VBV-4796 Forum Directory Listing too slow
  • VBV-4757 Can't save signature (You get an error instead) (undefined index vbforum_url)
  • VBV-4873 Email Notifications sending multiple emails even when disabled
  • VBV-2288 Edit User in admin cp fails with error
  • VBV-4676 Edit Subscribed button will lead to the home page
  • VBV-4767 Channel Display Order set in AdminCP isn't adhered to on front end
  • VBV-4426 Quotes are invisible in posts
  • VBV-4899 Incorrect if condition in fetchChannelNodeTree
  • VBV-2793 Editing super moderator permissions for admin causes error
  • VBV-2957 Quotes in HTML Module aren't rendered correctly
  • VBV-4708 Error fetching preview while adding topic.
  • VBV-4810 Should batch closure table calls.
  • VBV-4841 Multiple queries for templates
  • VBV-4451 Multiple Widget Queries
  • VBV-3993 FILTER_VIEW_ACTIVITY has hardcoded published date range value - doesn't cohere with the Activity Stream module configuration setting when click away and back to Latest Activity Stream tab
  • VBV-4342 In some cases we are running the exact same query more than once on the same page load
  • VBV-4819 Minimize Phrase queries
  • VBV-4944 vBForum:getParents duplicate calls
  • VBV-4948 Duplicate prefix queries being executed
  • VBV-4399 vB5Presentation_cookieInfo is problematic
  • VBV-4087 Forward Private Message with javascript on the title will break the title
  • VBV-3980 Post icons are not imported to nodes during upgrade
  • VBV-5017 Deleting a Forum in Sitebuider doesn't delete it from forumhome
  • VBV-4854 On directory, every thread title listed shows same date, same title
  • VBV-4618 After creating visitor message you are being redirected to another page
  • VBV-4861 FR: Like/unlike of a post returns permission denied
  • VBV-4321 BB code doesn't render in post view in any non-Main forum
  • VBV-4868 FR: Reading a thread does not mark it as read
  • VBV-4951 FR: Quotes are not handled properly in conversation text
  • VBV-4970 FR: post_reply with just a postid returns permission denied
  • VBV-2719 Reimporting the master style via admin cp doesn't complete
  • VBV-4885 Last post in directory shows as last forum added
  • VBV-3939 Time of posting is missing in topics list
  • VBV-1801 Requests will be displayed with a trimmed user name
  • VBV-4866 FR: leave_conversation does not seem to work
  • VBV-4748 Comments on visitor message replies disappear
  • VBV-4581 Cannot edit picture blog enties
  • VBV-1570 Allow BB code/smilies/HTML in private message settings are not working
  • VBV-4331 Profile Activity Stream doesn't show posts made, only threads
  • VBV-5065 Post appears in section activity stream but not in activity stream on home page
  • VBV-3725 Usergroup permission for "can search" is not working
  • VBV-4925 Inlined attachments don't show correctly
  • VBV-4860 FR: When you inline an image uploaded through Forum Runner, it does not show up properly in the web browser
  • VBV-4793 Wrong message for post flood protection on visitor messages
  • VBV-3240 Poll adds in a default question
  • VBV-4935 Options tagmaxlen and tagminlen are not set as public options, but need to be
  • VBV-3795 Posts Per Day number is ridiculously huge
  • VBV-2527 Selecting Album from Page Map results in 404
  • VBV-783 "Subscriptions" list on user profile displays poorly.
  • VBV-4278 During installation of upgrade I recieve this Database Error:1064
  • VBV-3521 Profile Module Configuration: Setting a custom number of Subscriptions Results Per Page is broken
  • VBV-4009 get_post is not returning canpost or html values
  • VBV-2188 (Porting from vB4) CKEditor not creating links when valid url is in the message
  • VBV-3828 Go Advanced button doesn't work when editing blog posts
  • VBV-4863 FR: Quote text in a conversation is incorrect
  • VBV-4864 FR: When replying to conversation, title of the reply gets set to text of the reply
  • VBV-3128 What's Hot Configuration Settings need to be removed from the Activity Stream Module Configuration Options.
  • VBV-363 After 4 failed attempts of login, every new failed attempt results in a black login box
  • VBV-2594 New cache methods need a storage prefix
  • VBV-4867 FR: "Show threads/posts" from profile does not work
  • VBV-4211 vB5 Beta 7 errors redirect incorrectly to upgrade.php which actually does run to completion on fresh installed forum
  • VBV-3624 Clicking links on the Registration Email Verification page results in a 'Bad Request' error
  • VBV-1567 "Maximum Characters Per Private Message" setting doesn't work
  • VBV-4121 Notification message sent to the poster of the visitor message
  • VBV-3182 Hook Request: postbit buttons
  • VBV-3179 Hook Request: conversation userinfo
  • VBV-3180 Hook Request: editor fields
  • VBV-3549 Template Hooks: New Profile Tabs
  • VBV-3187 Hook Request: Top Navbar
  • VBV-3181 Hook Request: footer copyright
  • VBV-4310 Bad CSS code
  • VBV-1073 Blog Summary shows broken image when no blog icon was uploaded
  • VBV-3766 Moderator View Selected Posts will display user as Guest
  • VBV-1405 Welcome email is not sent to new users even if options enabled
  • VBV-4862 FR: Summary text of threads contains BBCode
  • VBV-2069 Extra gray bounding box on blog and group activity stream
  • VBV-3267 Profile Page: Edit Settings button is too wide
  • VBV-4865 Search input always visible in Chrome for iOS
  • VBV-4983 Latest version available always N/A
  • VBV-3427 Cannot edit, flag and like polls from activity stream
  • VBV-4231 error_loading_preview is not a phrase
  • VBV-2619 Posting video Link shows extra box around the video
  • VBV-3736 Blog icon not displaying on member blogs
  • VBV-1500 Redundant links in Navigation Bar
  • VBV-1454 Detemine Core Path Automatically.
  • VBV-4879 Reputation errors
  • VBV-4826 Install process stopped at 47%
  • VBV-4973 Login not working and posting no errors
  • VBV-5101 After upgrade blogs don't open
  • VBV-3882 Upgrading from a39 to a40 will miss last upgrade version
  • VBV-5022 Options Message Attachment Options -- form is truncated




กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see