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vBulletin Announcements

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Anexploit vector has been found in the vBulletin 4.1+ and 5+ installation directories. Our developers are investigating this issue at this time. If deemed necessary we will release the necessary patches. In order to prevent this issue on your vBulletin sites, it is recommended that you delete the install directory for your installation. The directories that should be deleted are: 4.X - /install/ 5.X - /core/install After deleting these directories your sites can not be affected by the issues that we’re currently investigating. vBulletin 3.X and pre-4.1 would not be affected by these issues. However if you want the best security precautions, you can delete your install directory as well.
vBulletin 4.2.2 is NOW AVAILABLE for download. The feedback thread for the 4.2.2 release is HERE for our licensed customers. vBulletin 4.2.2 is a maintenance release primarily focused on php 5.4 compatibility issues, as well as a few other important fixes for Facebook, PayPal & MAPI updates for Mobile 1.5 The release contains: * Many fixes for php 5.4 compatibility. * MAPI updates for Mobile 1.5 * Facebook updates due to changes by Facebook * PayPal updates due to changes by PayPal. * Update to recognise IE11 User Agent * Fix Import/export of Navigation Manager (Open new page flag) * A couple of security updates in the installer & Forum Runner. * Added the Panjo online community marketplace plug-in. * A number of other major bugs...
vBulletin Mobile Suite 1.5 has been released. Mobile Suite 1.5 provides the most powerful mobile forum apps available anywhere, and will ensure your site users remain continually engaged with your community. Mobile Suite 1.5 contains a breadth of upgrades to both the publisher and the iOS and Android apps. vBulletin iOS Mobile App 1.5 contains 39 fixes and updates, while 28 are a part of vBulletin Android Mobile App 1.5, including: BB Code fixes Support for Ad Mob Mediation Branding Free - Available to all customers who have purchased the Branding Free License. vBulletin 3 compatibility fixes, which require the MAPI 1.4.5 plug-in, now available as a beta if needed Using with vBulletin 5 requires that you are using at least version...
We're proud to release vBulletin Connect 5.0.5. vBulletin Connect 5.0.5 resolves 197 issues with the software. This includes new features, feature parity with 4.x and bug issues. These issues cover a wide range of components including performance, security, Admin Control Panel fixes, enhancements for the Mobile Suite and more. New Features in vBulletin 5.0.5 fastDS (selected APC caching which works in multi-server environments) - FastDS allows you to store the Datastore, Templates and Phrases in APC's memory. This enables super-fast retrieval. You can configure this in your /core/includes/config.php file. Infraction notifications will be sent to the user's email if they cannot be sent to their private messages. vBulletin 5.0.5...
The current 4.2.2 alpha 1 build has now been released as a public alpha. All vB4 & vB5 licence holders should have access to download it in the members area. The primary focus of 4.2.2 is php 5.4 compliance, however, a few other items/issues are included as well. You are advised not to use this for production sites, as the build still has php 5.4 related errors. Generally speaking however, these errors will not cause you any issues other than displaying warnings on the page. Please run this version on a test set-up, using php 5.4, and log (in Jira) any other (5.4) related errors that you come across. Changes from 4.2.1 in the current R6 build are as follows ; VBIV-15428 Fixing typos in phrases. VBIV-15443 Fixed the folder name and...
A data integrity exploit has been discovered in vBulletin 5. This exploit was discovered by our Quality Assurance team. The issue affects all versions of vBulletin 5 Connect, including 5.0.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3, and 5.0.4. We have released security patches for all versions and they are available immediately. It is recommended that you upload the patches to your server immediately. If you're not currently using vBulletin 5.0.4, we would recommend that you upgrade to this version with the included patch. This will provide the best possible vBulletin 5 Connect experience for you and your users. If there is some reason that you cannot upgrade, a patch has been provided for your version. You can download the patch for your version here...
vBulletin is proud to present version 5.0.4, the latest release in the vBulletin 5 series, which is now available for download in the members area. Our developers have been hard at work providing a large number of fixes, improvements and features which we'd like to share with you today. New Features Member List The Member List has been restored in vBulletin 5 Connect. The restoration of this feature was one of our top requests since the release of vBulletin 5 Connect. To view the member's list, please visithttp://www.vbulletin.com/forum/memberlist/ Within the member list you can sort by the table columns presented. You can also filter by the first letter of the username. Member Search on the front-end is still not implemented yet...

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