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XenForo Announcements

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XenForo 2.1.4 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo 2.1.4 or Upgrade directly from within your control panel Some of the changes in XF 2.1.4 include: Fix some slightly over-zealous image removal code in the editor if image uploads are not supported. Improve performance of embed metadata rebuild. Fix regression relating to markdown being parsed in built-in block BBCodes Implement the russian ruble symbol Detect UTF-8 Byte Order Marker to prevent incorrect Windows-1252 fallback Standardize on \w for BB code tag matching, rather than a mishmash of [a-z0-9] and [a-z0-9_]...
XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.2 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.2 Some of the changes in XFES 2.1.2 include: Increase frequency of reindex retries to every 10 minutes and attempt to reindex up to 1000 items at a time. Attempt to drop the ES temp search index table (if exists) before creating a new one. XenForo Enhanced Search requires XenForo 2.1 or later. All customers with active licenses may now download the new version from the customer area. Download XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.2 From the Licensed Customer Area...
XenForo Resource Manager 2.1.3 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Resource Manager 2.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo Resource Manager 2.1.3 Some of the changes in XFRM 2.1.3 include: Prevent double escaping of resource prefixes in resource reports. Change visibility of overridden canBookmarkContent methods to match parent Prevent changing resource types if less than two valid resource types are available. When editing a resource, only attempt to validate and save tags if the tags have been edited. Automatically mark resource update alerts read correctly when viewing a resource. The following...
XenForo Media Gallery 2.1.3 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Media Gallery 2.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo Media Gallery 2.1.3 Some of the changes in XFMG 2.1.3 include: Use the storecat value when building the original source file location where appropriate. Change visibility of overridden canBookmarkContent method to match parent Remove misleading text from album creation page. Add some missing moderator log phrases and ensure entries logged when category changes occur. Implement RSS feeds of lists of media items for media index, category index and album index, similar to XFMG 1.x. RSS feed...
XenForo 2.1.3 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo 2.1.3 Some of the changes in XF 2.1.3 include: Don't log when a push notification hits a 406 error as this is a temporary rate limiting issue. Update the Microsoft connected account explain text to point to the new Azure app registration portal. When logging a visitor out, pass the Clear-Site-Data header to ensure that cached content which may not ordinarily be visible by the next visitor, or a guest, remains not visible. (Thanks @Steffen) Fix the TagContent.AddUser relation. Support a "default" value for numberbox...
XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.18 Released XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.18 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo Media Gallery 1.1 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.18 Some of the changes in XFMG 1.1.18 include: Prevent hard deletion of an already deleted media/album/comment via inline moderation if the moderator does not have the relevant hard delete permissions. Add nofollow to a few links to prevent duplicate content SEO issues. XenForo Media Gallery requires XenForo 1.5 or later. All customers with active licenses may now download the new version from the customer area. Download...
XenForo 1.5.24 Released XenForo 1.5.24 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 1.5 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability. Download XenForo 1.5.24 Some of the changes in XF 1.5.24 include: When importing posts from PhpBB sanitize the BB code in posts before prepending the subject text to the post content. When importing posts from PhpBB add support for bringing in the username from quote attributions. MyBB doesn't automatically wrap links in URL tags on save time, and just handles them at render time. Run message text through our autolinker on import to handle this. When loading CSS externals via XHR do not prefix what might...

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