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XenForo Announcements

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Today we are happy to announce that we are taking a major step toward a stable and supported release of XenForo 2.0 by releasing the first "Release Candidate". After a number of beta releases, the functionality of the product should be complete and the rate of bugs being reported (should) slow to a trickle, allowing the development team to work through the backlog and reduce the number of bugs to a handful. We have now reached this point in the development of XenForo 2.0, so the time is right to produce a release candidate. This means that the software is proposed as stable, and a period of time is allowed to verify the proposal. If no major bugs are found during that period, the software will be released as 2.0.0. If bugs are found...
We are happy to announce that the 2.0.0 Beta 8 releases of XenForo and our official add-ons are now available to all customers with active licenses. This release continues to focus on bug fixes and other small improvements. If all goes well with this release, we anticipate that the next release will be considered a release candidate (the final step before a stable/supported release). Once again, please pay attention to the following warnings: XenForo 2.0 is a significant upgrade from 1.x. Add-ons and customizations made for XenForo 1.x will not be compatible. Style customizations will need to be redone and will not be maintained after the upgrade. We strongly recommend you make a backup before attempting an upgrade. This is beta...
We are happy to announce that the 2.0.0 Beta 7 releases of XenForo and our official add-ons are now available to all customers with active licenses. This release continues to focus on bug fixes and other small improvements. Once again, please pay attention to the following warnings: XenForo 2.0 is a significant upgrade from 1.x. Add-ons and customizations made for XenForo 1.x will not be compatible. Style customizations will need to be redone and will not be maintained after the upgrade. We strongly recommend you make a backup before attempting an upgrade. This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do not recommend running it in production. All customers with active licenses may now download the new version from the...
What's new in XenForo 2.0
Much of this information will be familiar to those who were following the development process over at the XF2 Demo Forums, but this is something of a ‘greatest hits’ list of some of the important changes and improvements to XenForo since the 1.x generation. Greatly-enhanced mobile-friendly style The new XenForo 2 style is the first thing you will notice in XF2. The entire style has been redesigned with a fresh new appearance, but also with mobile browsing at the forefront of the design. When the viewport shrinks, on-page content shrinks, shifts and reorganises itself automatically to optimise the browsing experience for small displays. A sticky header automatically activates when the window is scrolled, allowing the most important...
We are happy to announce that the 2.0.0 Beta 6 releases of XenForo and our official add-ons are now available to all customers with active licenses. This release continues to focus on bug fixes and other small improvements. It does also expand the import system and framework, though this area is still a work in progress. Additionally, the XenForo Media Gallery add-on has enabled new implementations for media navigation (via a "film strip" below the media) and embedding media from within the rich text editor. Once again, please pay attention to the following warnings: XenForo 2.0 is a significant upgrade from 1.x. Add-ons and customizations made for XenForo 1.x will not be compatible. Style customizations will need to be redone and...
We are happy to announce that the 2.0.0 Beta 5 releases of XenForo and our official add-ons are now available to all customers with active licenses. For the most part, this release continues to focus on bug fixes and making adjustments to avoid possible confusion. However, this release does include the new framework for importers. This is still a work in progress and does not allow full importation from any other package at this time. This framework is included primarily so that add-on developers that intend to implement importers can understand how the new approaches work. Elements of this importer framework may be changed in future beta releases. (Note that the import system is still only available in debug mode.) Once again, please...
Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.15. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the previous release. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability. Some of the changes in this release include: Add support for PHP 7.2. Add beta support for importing from phpBB 3.2 and IPB 4.2. Update our Facebook API calls to use version 2.10. Fix an issue where email change notices would not be sent as expected when changing your email address. When loading news feed entries via Ajax, ensure that additional CSS and JS is loaded correctly. When hard deleting a profile post comment, ensure that the related deletion log and moderation queue records are removed as well...

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