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ประกาศ vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 16 has been released

  • ผู้เริ่มหัวข้อ ผู้เริ่มหัวข้อ thxf.org 
  • วันที่เริ่มต้น วันที่เริ่มต้น
vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 16 is NOW AVAILABLE for vBulletin 5 Connect license holders to download, as well as, for prospective customers to preview at www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/.

Beta 16 contains resolutions to 113 issues. Among the biggest enhancements are improvements to Blog functionality, the Site Builder, and several fixes for the Mobile Suite. While we do not recommend running beta versions on live sites, we encourage you to use a test site for that purpose. For live sites, vBulletin 4.2 is an excellent choice.

The vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 16 feedback thread for licensed customers is
HERE. (You must be logged in to view this link.) We greatly appreciate and use your feedback to improve vBulletin.

(Note: As with all beta releases, we aren't able to provide phone or ticket support for Beta 16. Customers purchasing a vBulletin 5 Connect license will receive 30 days of free ticket support, starting with the Gold release of the software.)

  1. VBV-5362 Cannot save New Page
    [*]VBV-5444 Channel manager doesn't show any channels after upgrade
    [*]VBV-5189 Setting cache to Filecache then setting it back to Memcached will break forum
    [*]VBV-5536 Session is not recognized when clicking Private Message button
    [*]VBV-2223 Frontend fails when using mod_fcgid to handle PHP
    [*]VBV-5219 Upgrade Error from vb 4.2.0 to Beta 11
    [*]VBV-3757 Usergroup Permission "Can View Forum" doesn't work
    [*]VBV-2541 Update counters tools in AdminCP do not work
    [*]VBV-5552 Can't register a new user
    [*]VBV-4607 APIs called via AJAX cannot be extended
    [*]VBV-5382 Admincp Attachment Manager broken (regression)
    [*]VBV-4669 Cannot flag blog posts
    [*]VBV-5542 User Profile > User Settings > Profile tab > 'Save Changes' button does not do anything when clicked (only affects Users)
    [*]VBV-5569 Custom Avatars are not appearing in Activity Streams or User Profiles
    [*]VBV-5546 Cannot create new groups (Regression)
    [*]VBV-4165 Upgrade of 4.2 to 5.0 Alpha45 fails with DB error
    [*]VBV-5477 Mobile App: Error when trying to submit a post (iOS)
    [*]VBV-5476 Mobile App: Blank page in post list (iOS)
    [*]VBV-5544 Upgrading to beta 16 fails with invalid_query_definition_x error about infractiongroup
    [*]VBV-5302 Cache is consuming 60% of Database Server Memory
    [*]VBV-4586 Errors when editing profile picture with link on IE
    [*]VBV-5031 Topics and Post count is off
    [*]VBV-5033 Home Page Permissions not respected
    [*]VBV-4244 (Chrome & Firefox only) User Profile: After image is uploaded for Profile Picture the picture still does not appear
    [*]VBV-3687 Redirected to page with error code after 2nd login attempt
    [*]VBV-5167 PHP Notice when like or unlike
    [*]VBV-5126 Blog posts will not be displayed after upgrade
    [*]VBV-5375 Text < > and anything inbetween disappears when editing
    [*]VBV-3977 After install, channel permissions are shown as "customized" instead of being the default permissions
    [*]VBV-5409 "People Who Voted" pop-up stays open after changing tabs in activity stream modules
    [*]VBV-5445 Global Define required for urls
    [*]VBV-4449 Queries for Userid #1 when not logged in
    [*]VBV-5491 getDescendantPhotoCount
    [*]VBV-4802 Cache User permissions info
    [*]VBV-5331 FR: Permission error for attaching pictures should be more specific
    [*]VBV-5341 Edit features for Latest Activity Module are broken
    [*]VBV-5496 Mobile App: Can't view subscribed list on home page
    [*]VBV-4860 FR: When you inline an image uploaded through Forum Runner, it does not show up properly in the web browser
    [*]VBV-4338 Code "@TODO" needs to be taken out of widgets that have polls
    [*]VBV-5137 Unable to Send User a PM as a Subscriber - when Subscribers and Admins are only allowed to send.
    [*]VBV-4801 My Settings -> Profile validation should not remove any entered data, but highlight incorrect fields
    [*]VBV-5224 IMG BBcode only works for the default "Main Forum", for new forums/blogs/groups - IMG BBcode doesn't work
    [*]VBV-5091 Error when changing admin permissions
    [*]VBV-5471 Mobile App: Can't access photos
    [*]VBV-5549 "Update User Names" admincp maintenance tool fails with invalid_query_definition_x
    [*]VBV-4883 BBCode [media] not working correctly - displays as a text link
    [*]VBV-5532 Delete Blog does not work
    [*]VBV-1518 "Maximum Characters Per Post" doesn't work
    [*]VBV-5428 Getting Blank Pages
    [*]VBV-5458 api_mobilepublisher missing
    [*]VBV-5335 "Unable to contact server" error when going to the "Activities" tab of a user profile page
    [*]VBV-4428 Site builder -> Color Style -> Choose Primary Color -> Hex - "Ok" button in the popup does nothing
    [*]VBV-4985 Unable to Install Using Filesystem Cache
    [*]VBV-5343 Unable to save User Settings from Account, Privacy, Notifications tab when Birthday setting is required. When the birthdate is set.
    [*]VBV-5466 Mobile App: Link discussion posts are blank
    [*]VBV-5473 Mobile App: Profile page crashes app (iOS)
    [*]VBV-5478 Mobile App: Going to folder tab in Private Messages screen crashes app (iOS)
    [*]VBV-5481 Mobile App: Creating a new private message crashes the app (iOS)
    [*]VBV-5396 Javascript using non existant options and phrases
    [*]VBV-5268 updateLastData query takes too long
    [*]VBV-4855 Directory - Topics all show zero
    [*]VBV-4989 Logo Disappears overnight, filedata is removed completely from the filedata table.
    [*]VBV-5578 Registered users cannot see blog activity with Subscribed and Registered Users view
    [*]VBV-3088 Registration Birth Date Button is not in place
    [*]VBV-3767 Moderator: Copy Posts to a New or Existing Thread will display "no_permission" error
    [*]VBV-3701 New "system" usergroups are marked as "custom" usergroups in the Admin cp, and can be deleted, etc.
    [*]VBV-4397 User Profile: Change 'Edit Profile Picture' text to 'Edit Avatar'
    [*]VBV-5529 unable_to_contact_server_please_try_again while trying to fetch channel list after upgrading from 4.2
    [*]VBV-5403 Search: Forum/Blog topic Title Name missing in search results when post has a video attached
    [*]VBV-5408 Posting a post takes too long
    [*]VBV-5557 "Add New User" option is broken in admincp
    [*]VBV-4839 Very slow time to create posts
    [*]VBV-5582 Channel Manager Blog channel Invalid query definition
    [*]VBV-5421 Invalid query definitons
    [*]VBV-5604 Avatar names changed after the upgrade from 4.2 and they are not working now
    [*]VBV-5455 Product uninstall broken (regression)
    [*]VBV-5562 Error: no_permission when editing channels on Page Manager
    [*]VBV-5160 Fix constant rebuilding of bbcode_video template
    [*]VBV-5410 "People Who Voted" should be "People Who Liked"
    [*]VBV-5042 "Vote Now" and view "View Poll Results" button not on activity stream
    [*]VBV-2644 Comment link shows even if user has no permission to post comment
    [*]VBV-4311 Uploaded profile pictures are not properly resized
    [*]VBV-4966 Profile Media: Unable to close the Video Window
    [*]VBV-4565 Post replies increase Post Count by two
    [*]VBV-4343 tag_x_not_be_common_words message does not properly display the common word(s)
    [*]VBV-4758 Creating a blog selecting "Automatically parse links in text" or "Disable smilies in text" options will display an error message upon save
    [*]VBV-3492 Post Reply button displayed also when not having permission to post
    [*]VBV-5513 Module titles not showning for custom products.
    [*]VBV-5493 Blog Owner cannot comment on his own blog entry
    [*]VBV-3396 Stylevars should be used throughout the responsive CSS rules where appropriate
    [*]VBV-5474 Mobile App: Blogs page crashes app if there are no blogs (iOS)
    [*]VBV-2982 Advanced Editor font size change not saved
    [*]VBV-5550 Current page isn't highlighted in the navigation bar (Regression)
    [*]VBV-5501 Blog owner cannot comment after editing his blog entry (even with comments enabled)
    [*]VBV-5438 Error when adding a signature (regression)
    [*]VBV-5371 Code displays before username in photo visitor message
    [*]VBV-4071 The word vote shows in the statistics column under thread list view
    [*]VBV-3699 Posting a "Link" as a reply causes the Link input area to disappear
    [*]VBV-3597 Can't cancel the "select from photo album" overlay (profile media -> photo)
    [*]VBV-5149 Multiple identical phrase IDs are sent when fetching phrases via ajax
    [*]VBV-4962 Number of notifications in header is wrong
    [*]VBV-4916 Smilies will break while editing the post
    [*]VBV-3346 Edit Blog Post text fields are not being validated
    [*]VBV-1443 Groups - wrong avatar image shown on Group Summary page
    [*]VBV-5535 When a User replies to a Topic, after the page is refreshed their custom avatar disappears and is replaced with the generic default avatar
    [*]VBV-3491 Can send message to more recipients than allowed in AdminCP
    [*]VBV-3237 When using site builder, changing the logo set it as a default in the master style.
    [*]VBV-3730 "lastvisit" column in user table not updating
    [*]VBV-2813 Total posts/Posts per day incorrectly calculated on user profile - all node records are counted
    [*]VBV-2563 User Profile - change image Browse button class should be secondary (not blue)
    [*]VBV-1110 User Profile - "Discussion" is been replaced by "Reply"
    [*]VBV-3591 "Directory" should be renamed to "Forums"
    [*]VBV-5140 Typo: Visitor Message Setting caption in User settings. change sentence with the work "uncheck"



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กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see