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ข่าว Xenforo 1.2.0 Beta 5 Released (unsupported)

  • ผู้เริ่มหัวข้อ ผู้เริ่มหัวข้อ thxf.org 
  • วันที่เริ่มต้น วันที่เริ่มต้น
Anyone watching the XenForo Bug Reports forum will have noticed the list of bugs rapidly diminishing over recent days. With our fifth beta for XenForo 1.2, we believe that we are approaching the end of the beta process, with the software reaching an increasingly stable and ready state, and we hope to proceed to the Release Candidate phase with our next release.

XenForo 1.2.0 Beta 5 is now available to all customers with active licenses. This release focuses on fixing bugs, conflicts, and usability issues discovered since the release of XenForo 1.2.0 Beta 4. All previous fixes and updates are included in this update.

This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do not recommend running it in production.

Please remember that this is beta software. It contains known bugs and incomplete functionality. We do not recommend running beta software in a production environment, and support is limited at this time to questions here on the community forums.

Expect many add-ons and styles to be broken after upgrading to 1.2. You must test your add-ons thoroughly or look for updates. Be especially careful with add-ons that cover similar features to ones that are added to 1.2; these may conflict with the core XenForo data. If data conflicts are found, they will need to be resolved in a new add-on release or by removing the add-on before upgrading to 1.2.

If you choose to run beta software, it is your responsibility to ensure that you make a backup of your data. We recommend you do this before attempting an upgrade.

Installation and Upgrade Instructions

It is highly recommended that you back up your XenForo database and files before you attempt to upgrade. This is doubly important if you have ever installed add-ons that may create conflicts.

Full details for how to install and upgrade XenForo can be found in the XenForo Manual.

All customers with active licenses may download XenForo 1.2 Beta 5 from their customer area.

This release also includes a number of importer changes. There is now an official vBulletin 4 importer and a new (early stage) MyBB 1.6 importer. The existing importers have also been expanded to cover more content such as post edit history.



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