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vBulletin Announcements

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We are pleased to announce the release of vBulletin 4.1.11 BETA 1. Beta releases are not recommended for Production/Live sites. While QA has tested most of the fixed issues in this release and completed substantial functional regression testing, additional instability may exist. While, vBulletin 4.1.11 BETA 1 is very close to what we will release as 4.1.11, it should not be used to upgrade your live sites. Please note: We do not provide support for Beta versions We do not recommend Beta software to be installed on production sites. We always recommend that you back up your database fully before attempting to install Beta software. Change log: A brief description of the changes in 4.1.11 can be found in the 4.1.11 Alpha release...
We are pleased to announce the release of vBulletin 4.1.11 BETA 1. Beta releases are not recommended for Production/Live sites. While QA has tested most of the fixed issues in this release and completed substantial functional regression testing, additional instability may exist. While, vBulletin 4.1.11 BETA 1 is very close to what we will release as 4.1.11, it should not be used to upgrade your live sites. Please note: We do not provide support for Beta versions We do not recommend Beta software to be installed on production sites. We always recommend that you back up your database fully before attempting to install Beta software. Change log: A brief description of the changes in 4.1.11 can be found in the 4.1.11 Alpha release...
We are pleased to announce the release of vBulletin 4.1.11 ALPHA 1. This is an early evaluation release of 4.1.11. While QA has tested most of the fixed issues in this release, additional code changes are in progress, and functional regression testing has not yet been completed. As such, vBulletin 4.1.11 ALPHA 1 should not be used to upgrade your live sites. What's New in vBulletin 4.1.11 Alpha 1? The largest change in 4.1.11 Alpha 1 is the conversion of the vBulletin Mobile Style to a master style, including changes to the mobile style install/upgrade script. Once 4.1.11 is released, customizations to the mobile style for your sites will not longer be overwritten on upgrade. For a complete list of the issues we've fixed in 4.1.11...
After extensive deliberation and an in-depth analysis of global browser trends, we have decided to drop support for both Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and 7 with the release of vBulletin 4.2. Given their rapid decline in market share over the past year, Microsoft's recent decision to follow Chrome and Firefox with the implementation of silent updates, and the numerous hacks/kludges we've implemented in vB4 specifically for IE 6 & 7, we've concluded that continuing support will rapidly become untenable over the coming year. This has been a difficult decision for the vBulletin team. While we respect the needs of all of our customers, dropping support for IE 6 & 7 will allow us to improve user experience for the vast majority of license...
v4.1.10 Download is NOW AVAILABLE. The feedback thread for the 4.1.10 release is HERE for our licensed customers. vBulletin 4.1.10 was driven by customer feedback. The release contains: A major stylevars refactor 90+ stylevars bug fixes and improvement requests Stylevar Mapping Response to minimize impact on customized styles. A Remove Orphan Stylevars tool to help customers clean up vB4 installs 32 Hook Requests made by customers Additional Changes since the 4.1.10 BETA 1 Release: VBIV-6910 Attachment Paperclip Overlap Pagination (Search Results, Forums, Settings) VBIV-5472 File name in lightbox has htmlspecialchar'd HTML entities (only for old attachments) VBIV-13895 Credits Update VBIV-5472 File name in lightbox has...
A recent vBulletin 4 (Suite Only, all versions) report indicated that there is a potential permission exploit vector in the Blogs portion of the product. Once the cause of the issue was isolated, additional permissions checks were added to eliminate the reported threat. The issue does not affect vBulletin 3.x, or vBulletin 4 Forum Classic. It affects only the Blogs product. This patch has been issued for vBulletin versions 4.0.0 through 4.1.9. The code change has been included in 4.1.10, which will not need to be patched. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 Suite installation please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: Please Log In We recommend you install this security patch as soon as possible. The...
vBulletin 4.1.10 Beta 1 is now available for download. Please note: We do not provide support for Beta versions We do not recommend Beta software to be installed on production sites. We always recommend that you back up your database fully before attempting to install Beta software. Change log: A full list of changes and blog posts can be found in the 4.1.10 Alpha release announcement. A bit thank you to everyone who has filed bugs in our bug tracker, especially those who participated in the closed and open Alphas. We sincerely appreciate your assistance. If you come across any bugs in the product, please continue to file them in our tracker. The feedback thread on the 4.1.10 Beta release can be found HERE for our licensed...

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