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vBulletin Announcements

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We are pleased to announce the release of vBulletin 4.1.10 ALPHA 1. Based on your feedback, we've released an early evaluation version of 4.1.10 before the holidays. This will allow our customers to review and plan for the many stylevars fixes/changes that will be included in 4.1.10 FINAL. While QA has tested most of the fixed issues in this release, additional code changes are in progress, and functional regression testing has not yet been completed. As such, vBulletin 4.1.10 ALPHA 1 should not be used to upgrade your live sites. Sebastiano has put together a great blog post about the stylevars work we've done in 4.1.10. For a complete list of the issues we'll be fixing in 4.1.10, click - HERE Please visit members.vbulletin.com to...
vBulletin version 4.1.9 is now ready for download. This latest release contains a number of enhancements and fixes that will allow you and your members to experience increased performance and stability, the most notable of which is an upgrade to jQuery Mobile 1.0. JQuery Mobile is an elegant HTML5-based user interface library designed to work on all popular mobile platforms, and is the framework used for our mobile style. We thank you for continuing to help us make our software better and better. Another point of value for the 4.1.9 release is our premium mobile style. It is a no-cost addition to the vBulletin Mobile Suite (for current suite owners) and contains fully customizable iPhone and Android Apps. It brings additional...
* BETA Download is NOW AVAILABLE vBulletin 4.1.9 release focuses on bug fixes and contains updates to the core vBulletin software. Please note: We do not provide support for Beta versions We do not recommend Beta software to be installed on production sites. We always recommend that you back up your database fully before attempting to install Beta software. Change log: A full list of these fixes can be found here. Again, thank you to everyone who has filed bugs in our bug tracker, we sincerely appreciate your assistance - and we hope with this release that we have addressed a large number of the bugs that you have raised. If you come across any bugs in the product, please continue to file them in our tracker. Feedback Thread on...
The 4.1.8 release focuses on bug fixes and contains updates to the core vBulletin software. vBulletin 4.1.8 is a Product of Your Feedback: Here is a list of the most requested fixes based on your votes: "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit" message is not displayed in search results when appropriate"(reported by Andy) "No persistent and elegant way to change editor style" (reported by cellarius) "ad_showthread_firstpost & ad_footer_end ad locations are no longer present"(reported by djbaxter) "Search Performance - too many queries" (reported by ricktas) "Use Absolute URLs When Making AJAX Requests" (reported by digitalpoint) Change log: Additional Changes since the 4.1.8BETA Release: VBIV-13545 Cursor in...
A recent vBulletin 4 (all versions, Suite & Classic) report indicated that if an installation had been hacked previously, the attacker could hide malicious code to allow a repeated attack. To further strengthen vBulletinÂ’s security - additional security checking and query cleaning were added to thwart such attacks. The issue does not affect vBulletin 3.x. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 installation please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: http://members.vbulletin.com/ We recommend you install this security patch as soon as possible. The upgrade process is the same as previous patch level releases - simply download the patch from the Members' Area, extract the files and upload to your webserver...
A recent vBulletin 4 (Suite Only, all versions) report indicated that there is a potential security exploit vector in the CMS portion of the product. To immediately fix the reported issue and strengthen vBulletinÂ’s security - additional security was added to eliminate the reported threat. The issue does not affect vBulletin 3.x, or vBulletin 4 Forum Classic. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 Suite installation please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: Please Log In We recommend you install this security patch as soon as possible. The upgrade process is the same as previous patch level releases - simply download the patch from the Members Area, extract the files and upload to your web server, overwriting...
* BETA Download is NOW AVAILABLE vBulletin 4.1.8 release focuses on bug fixes and contains updates to the core vBulletin software. Please note: We do not provide support for Beta versions We do not recommend Beta software to be installed on production sites. We always recommend that you back up your database fully before attempting to install Beta software. 4.1.8 is a Product of Your Feedback: Here is a list of the most requested fixes based on your votes: "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit" message is not displayed in search results when appropriate"(reported by Andy) "No persistent and elegant way to change editor style" (reported by cellarius) "ad_showthread_firstpost & ad_footer_end ad locations are...

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