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vBulletin Announcements

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Everyone, vBulletin 3.8.7 Beta1 which fixes these bugs vBulletin Blog 2.0.3 Beta1 which fixes these bugs This version will enable vBulletin Blog to work with newer version of PHP. Both are available for download via http://members.vbulletin.com Please note: These releases are Beta releases, and subsequently have not progressed through our QA cycle, while we are aware of no regressions or other concerns that specifically affect these releases we encourage, and recommend you utilize diligence before installing any Beta release on a public website. If you purchased our 3 month license extension and the time period on your license has now expired and you are subsequently unable to download these versions, please contact us...
I would like to announce that version 4.0.8 of vBulletin Publishing Suite and vBulletin Forum is now available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of 4.0.8 from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com 4.0.8 fixes over 390 bugs since the release of 4.0.7. Highlights of bug fixes included in 4.0.8 Profile Customization bugs. Template Bugs CMS bugs Widget bugs Google Sitemap Bug Full list of bug fixes. Added features: Member Profile Customization (Instructions can be found here) Some major CSS improvements and "Stylevar" changes. - list of deprecated Stylevar's can be found here (these changes should not affect custom styles) Thankyou We'd like to thank the following...
Further edit: I would like to announce that vBulletin 4.0.7 Maintenance Release of vBulletin Publishing Suite and vBulletin Forum is available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of 4.0.7 from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com 4.0.7 fixes around 50 bugs since the release of 4.0.6. Bug fixes Updated templates Requires revert (Changes to these templates are mandatory for security purposes or for correct functionality. If you have customized these templates, you should either revert them or merge the new changes into your custom template.) MEMBERINFO facebook_importregister facebook_associate facebook_disassociate modifyconnections postbit_ignore register...
Thanks to user "Sir Nick" for reporting the following issue: [#VBIV-8431] Reporting Posts = Database Error - vBulletin JIRA The issue only impacts users with "Forum only" and does not impact any customer who utilizes our Suite product. [SIZE=4]Downloading the fix: If you are already running 4.0.6 Forum only, we have released a patch for the issue, which is available in our members area: Please Log In If you are yet to download 4.0.6 Forum only, we have updated the download version in the members area, and the fix is included in the product. Sorry for the inconvenience. I might also add, we typically only release Patch Level releases for security bugs, however given the impact of this issue to our customers, we felt it warranted...
I would like to announce that vBulletin 4.06 Maintenance Release of vBulletin Publishing Suite and vBulletin Forum is available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of 4.0.6 from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com 4.0.6 fixes over 100 bugs since the release of 4.0.5. Bug fixes List of bug fixes included 4.0.6 New templates vbcms_widget_sitecalendar_page vbcms_searchresult_staticpage_general vbcms_bbcode_quote vbcms_widget_tagcloud_config vbcms_widget_sitecalendar_config vbcms_widget_tagcloud_page reportitem.css Removed templates vbcms_content_statichtml_config vbcms_content_statichtml_inline vbcms_content_statichtml_page...
It has come to our attention that 3.8.6 contains a security exploit related to the FAQ. If you have already installed vB 3.8.6, then follow these instructions in order to fix this: 1. First, download the 3.8.6 PL1 patch here: http://members.vbulletin.com/patches.php 2. Delete the existing vbulletin-language.xml file from your 'install' directory. Then upload the new one to that directory. Make sure you upload this in ASCII format. 3. Next upload the two files in that patch: includes/version_vbulletin.php install/vbulletin-language.xml 3. Go into your Admin CP and run this: Admin CP -> Languages & Phrases -> Download/Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File Then leave the settings as they are and click on Import. Also...
I would like to announce that vBulletin 4.0.5 Maintenance Release of vBulletin Publishing Suite and vBulletin Forum is available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of 4.0.5 from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com 4.0.5 fixes over 60 bugs since the release of 4.0.4. Bug fixes Highlights of bug fixes included 4.0.5 ImagePath Style variables are shown as "Array" after saving Fatal error: Class 'vBCms_Route_List' not found on profile page Redirection fails due to code changes in class_core.php: redirect to domain.com/cgi-sys issues with memcache Please check the Full list of bugs for more details New templates vbcms_bbcode_quote.xml...

กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see