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vBulletin Announcements

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I would like to announce that vBulletin 3.8.6 Maintenance Release of vBulletin Forum and an update to vBulletin Blog 2.0.2 is available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of either from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com This release fixes 11 bugs, including support of vBulletin Blog 2.0.2 on PHP 5.3 http://tracker.vbulletin.com/secure/...equestId=10191 Added features: Updated templates Do not require reverts memberinfo_block_contactinfo postbit postbit_legacy More...
We have released a patch (and updated the downloadable version) for 4.0.4 This fixes a bug with permissions with widgets. [SIZE=3]Download vBulletin 4.0.4 PL1 As usual, the full patched version released today is available for all customers with valid, active licenses to download from the vBulletin Members' Area. vBulletin Members Area If you are already running 4.0.4, then you only need to download the Patch 4.0.4 Suite PL1 file from Patches/Security Patches and upload the files in that patch. This patch fixes the following bugs: New thread widget diplays everything for guests, even if forums are private or not configured in the options. Recent Forum Posts widget Thanks, Adrian
I would like to announce that vBulletin 4.0.4 Maintenance Release of vBulletin Publishing Suite and vBulletin Forum is available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of 4.0.4 from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com 4.0.4 fixes over 500 bugs since the release of 4.0.3. Bug fixes Added features: Facebook Open Graph implementation This incorporates using Facebook's updated integration Allows publishing to facebook Expands the amount of information you can collect from a user at signon Facebook "like" button for forum threads, blog entries and articles in the CMS vBulletin Style Generator 2 new CMS content types 2 new CMS widgets "Category Navigation for Current Section" "Recent...
Hello all, We're excited that we are finally able to release Project Tools as an open source community project. It's taken a bit to get here but today is the day. The way we expect this project to run is that the community will take control of it. Following the open source model you will make the product suit your needs. Everyone will be able to view the source code on svn, and suggest code that should be added. However, we can't allow everyone to commit code to the product. That could lead to bad code and a bad product with no clear direction. Thus, we are looking to form a team to lead the product in the right direction. This team will review code and commit it where it sees necessary. This team will be the ones releasing...
Sphinx search BETA for vBulletin 4.0
Sphinx search Beta for vBulletin 4.0 [SIZE=4]Please read first: Please do not install this product unless you have a strong technical background We are not responsible for any conflicts or errors that occur with installing and/or operating sphinx We recommend testing this product on a test instance of vBulletin first This product is in Beta, and is not supported* Do not upload your vbulletin-sphinx.php to a web accessible URL. Doing so would give away your database details. If you follow these exact instructions, it will not be in a web accessible URL. The purpose of this product is to reduce database load (and reduce page load times) for sites that have large post databases and high activity. Boards that have less 4million...
We are pleased to announce that Nathanael Lee and Yoching Chaing are both going to be heading up support for existing vBulletin China customers. vBulletin China will not be conducting new sales at this stage, and it will still be providing support for vbulletin customers who gained licence in China. If you wish to purchase a new instance of vBulletin and you are from China, you are welcome to purchase vBulletin here and receive support through our normal channels. The support provided by Nathanael and Yoching will be for customers that purchased a license through the vbulletin-china website or vbulletin.com and are seeking support in Chinese. We are happy to have them on board to answer your support questions. Please visit...

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Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see