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vBulletin Announcements

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vBulletin 5.5.3 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.5.3 is now available for all vBulletin 5 Download customers. We will automatically update vBulletin Cloud sites. vBulletin Cloud users will receive an email with the scheduled time for their site's upgrade. Front End Changes Group Icons We have resolved a few additional issues with Group Channels. These include: Group Icons can now be removed. Previously you could only replace them with a new icon. Icon management works properly on the Group Settings Page. Items will no longer break out of the Conversation Toolbar at different resolutions. Topics and Replies will be properly moderated before displaying if this group option is set. Facebook Connect A number of changes have been made to...
vBulletin 5.5.X Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.5.3 Alpha 4 is now available for testing. It is not recommended to run pre-release builds on production sites. Front End Changes Group Icons We have resolved a few additional issues with Group Channels. These include: Group Icons can now be removed. Previously you could only replace them with a new icon. Icon management works properly on the Group Settings Page. Items will no longer break out of the Conversation Toolbar at different resolutions. Topics and Replies will be properly moderated before displaying if this group option is set. Facebook Connect A number of changes have been made to Facebook Connect to enable better operations due to changes in their API over the years. When a...
vBulletin 5.5.2 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.5.2 is now available by licensed download customers. vBulletin Cloud customers will be notified when their sites are scheduled to be upgraded. Front End Changes Groups We have made a number of changes to the functionality of Groups. Many of these changes are centered around the display of Groups in order to bring more attention to the functionality. The display of Groups has been updated to support a grid-based card layout in addition to the current List layout. The new layout should encourage users to create their own groups and augment the content on your site. Additional functionality changes include: My Groups shows all groups where you are a member. Not just groups that you own...
vBulletin 5.5.2 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.5.2 Release Candidate 2 is now available for testing by licensed download customers. We do not recommend using pre-release versions of the software in a production environment. Front End Changes Groups We have made a number of changes to the functionality of Groups. Many of these changes are centered around the display of Groups in order to bring more attention to the functionality. The display of Groups has been updated to support a grid-based card layout in addition to the current List layout. The new layout should encourage users to create their own groups and augment the content on your site. Additional functionality changes include: My Groups shows all groups where you are a member...
vBulletin 5.5.2 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.5.2 Beta 1 is now available for testing by licensed download customers. We do not recommend using pre-release versions of the software in a production environment. Front End Changes Groups We have made a number of changes to the functionality of Groups. Many of these changes are centered around the display of Groups in order to bring more attention to the functionality. The display of Groups has been updated to support a grid-based card layout in addition to the current List layout. The new layout should encourage users to create their own groups and augment the content on your site. Additional functionality changes include: My Groups shows all groups where you are a member. Not just...
vBulletin 5.5.1 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.5.1 is now available for testing by licensed download customers. Front End Changes Responsive Editor Toolbar The editor tool bar will automatically collapse and show the most used functionality based on your screen size. This change will allow more space to create posts and topics on devices with smaller screens. The hidden tools are still available by tapping on the ellipsis (…) at the end of the menu. Related Issues: VBV-18981, VBV-19101 Photo Gallery Layout Photo Gallery content has been updated to use Flexbox CSS. This allows your device to format rows of images for a better presentation. This change allows your Photo Galleries to respond to your settings better. Instead of changing...
vBulletin 5.5.0 Changes and Updates We're proud to begin the new year with a new version of vBulletin. These changes will apply to both vBulletin Connect and vBulletin Cloud unless otherwise noted. Typography Changes We have made several changes to how Typography or Fonts work within vBulletin to resolve several different issues that continually occur over time. These issues include display issues with scaling, the ability to support relative font sizes, and inheritance of font sizes. In order to resolve these issues, we've added two new style variables, changed the body_font style variable and reconfigured how fonts work in our default styles. As part of this change, we have converted the CSS in vBulletin to use REM units instead of...

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Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see